1 Summery
Genetically modified (GM) foods are any
foods obtained from plants, animals or microorganisms in which original genetic
makeup is deliberately changed by using recombinant DNA technology with one or
more altered characteristics. GM foods are matter of significant public
controversy in many countries of the world. Many public healths related and
environment related issues have been raised against the GM foods. Significant
trade dispute have been experienced among different countries regarding export
and import of these products. Attitudes of peoples and authorities of different
countries vary regarding GM foods and their effects on health and environment.
This article will try to discuss the issues raised against GM foods and reality
behind those issues. Public attitudes and technical scientific knowledge about
GM foods will also be discussed briefly.
Safety and regulation of GM foods will also be reviewed briefly.
2 Introduction
Foods obtained from plants or animals in
which natural genetic makeup is deliberately altered by combining genes of
different species for specific purpose by DNA recombinant technology are generally
called genetically modified (GM) food [1, 2, 3]. Although
genetically engineered products were tried in different forms previously like
high solid containing potato in 1967, synthetic growth hormone (recombinant
bovine somatotropin) in cattle in 1979, genetically engineered rennet to
manufacture cheese in 1990 etc. [3],
the first whole GM crop approved for marketing by the
authority was tomatoes with better storage property developed in USA in 1992
which was approved as safe for human consumption by US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and marketed since 1994 [1, 4]. Maize
was the first transgenic crop which was approved for field culture in Europe [5]. Tremendous increase in the area of land cultivating genetically
modified crop plants in US and other parts of the world have been reported
after that [2, 4]. For example, significant proportion of food market in US is
occupied by GM foods [3]. Thirty to fifty percent of American corn and soybean are genetically
modified for Insect-resistance and herbicide-tolerance [6].
GM food is probably one of the most debated
biotechnical innovations with worldwide public controversy. In spite of several health and economic
benefits of GM foods, these are often portrayed as harmful to human health and
environment due to limited knowledge about the technology and media propaganda [1]. Public response and regulation of GM food are different countries.
Some are more liberal while others are strictly against GM products.
3 Public concerns/attitude towards genetically modified (GM) foods
Genetically modified food is matter of
public controversy in many parts of the world. Major debates about the use of
GM foods were started in Europe and other countries in 1990s when GM maize and
soybean were introduced in the market [2]. Attitudes towards GM foods were found to be varied between
individuals and among groups. Some are more concerned towards environmental
consequences of GMOs like environmental pollution, evolution of super weeds and
new viruses and toxins etc. while others are specifically concerned towards
health hazards of GM foods like allergies, carcinogenicity, antibiotic
resistance and fear of other unintended and unknown harmful effects on health [2, 3]. Europeans were found to be more sceptics to GM foods than people
of the other parts of the world [7, 8]. Public showed their disapproval to biotechnology by forming
pressure groups and non-governmental organizations to protest modern
biosciences like animal and human cloning including GM foods [9].
3.1 Public acceptance of GM foods
When choices exist, people try to avoid
food associated with negative attributes. People in different countries were
found to be reluctant to consume GM foods [10, 11, 12]. Acceptance
and rejection of GM foods by the public depends up on how they perceive the
risk and benefits associated with the GM foods [2, 9]. Attitudes
of the people towards the GM foods were found to be varied in different parts
of the world. In a study in Taiwan, people were found ready to accept GM foods
if the benefit associated with the food outweigh the perceived risk of the
foods [2]. But people were found ready to pay extra amount for non-GM foods [2]. In a recent publication, Knight and Gao [13] reported that people of China had ambiguous view about GM foods and
were found likely to accept GM foods if
these foods are cheaper and responsible government authority assure the public
about the safety of such products.
In contrast, people in Europe were found to
be against the GM foods [10, 11, 14]. Similarly,
People of Scandinavian countries were found more reluctant to accept GM foods [15]. However, recent studies has revealed that Europeans are becoming
more supportive to GM foods than before [16]. Similarly, McCluskey et al. [17] reported that Japanese were also reluctant to consume GM foods. Although
USA is one of the major producers of GM foods (seed and crop), American people
were found to prefer non-GM foods to GM foods [12]. But they were found supportive to accept GM foods with obvious
benefits [18]. Traill et al. [19] concluded that American are more optimistic to GM technology than
Acceptance or rejection of particular GM
foods is the outcome of total weighted perception about risks and benefits
associated with the products [20]. Perception of the people about the risks associated with the
products is more important than the actual estimation of risks given by the
professional [21]. It has been postulated that people often make decision on the
basis of their own perception rather than
technical information [21]. However, public attitude and perception is the outcome of values,
beliefs and cumulative technical information they receive over the time. Several
other factors like price of the product and trust to the source of information
also affects the public acceptance of GM foods [20]. In addition, rather than absolute rejection or acceptance
significant proportion of the people were
found undecided [16, 22] whose decisions would
probably be contextual.
3.2 Major issues raised against GM foods
3.2.1 Health impacts of GM foods
Possibility of producing toxin and allergens
by genetically modified crop plants is one of the most frequently debated issues
raised by opponents of GM foods. GM foods are often considered to have risk of
allergenicity due to possibility of containing novel proteins in these foods [6, 23]. But, it has been claimed that probability of evolving such toxins
and allergens are very rare [24]. On the other hand, genetic engineering has been also used to
reduce the allergic potential of the food which is described in section 3.2.4
3.2.2 Environmental impacts of GM foods
Impact of genetically modified organisms on
environment is another important issue frequently raised against GM foods. Potential
cross contamination between GM and non-GM organisms and the spread of GMOs in
the environment as an invasive superweed are some major environmental concerns
raised against genetically modified organisms [3, 25]. Contrary to this, DNA recombinant technology has
been used to produce different variety of crops and animals which are resistant
to different disease and pests [6]. Use of pesticide resistant
verities of plants would result in less use of pesticides or use of less potent
pesticides which will be advantageous to the environment and beneficial in
conserving biodiversity [26].
3.2.3 Ethical issues
Voices against GM foods in cultural,
ethical, and religious grounds are equally prominent [2, 9, 27]. Many
people consider that the production of genetically engineered products is
unnatural and against the nature and general social ethics. However, it is
quite difficult to determine what is natural and what is unnatural. There is no
rational or unanimously acceptable definition of being natural [26]. Being natural might have different meanings for the people with
different social and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the view of considering
GM products as unnatural and unethical has been criticised as insignificant [26].
4 What is the reality?
In spite of many benefits of GM foods,
peoples were found to be unaware about the technology and truth about the
issues raised against GM foods. Scientists and regulatory bodies have been
charged to be failed to address the public concern about GM foods which has
further intensified the public distrust towards these biotechnological
innovations [9].
4.1 How GM foods are produced?
GM foods
are obtained from genetically modified organisms (crop plants or animals). To
produce genetically modified organisms (GMO), gene with desired trait is
identified and isolated which is then transferred into the plant or animals
destined to be genetically modified by recumbent DNA technology [1]. The interspecies transfer of
desired trait is thus achieved. The transferred genes can be used as marker
gene to identify the transformed cells and also causes the phenotypic
modification in transformed cells with desired characters [1]. Following are the steps to
produce GM foods [6, 28, 29, 30].
- First of all desirable trait(s) which has health or economic benefits if transferred into a food crops is identified. For example, pest resistance in maize or higher production of certain vitamin in rice etc.
- Gene(s) responsible for producing selected desirable traits is identified in the organisms other than the crop destined to be genetically modified. Generally bacteria are used as the source of the gene(s).
- After identification of the gene of interest, such genes are isolated and cloned by using molecular techniques.
- Genes isolated from microorganisms are naturally can function in microorganisms only. Different bacterial switches should be removed and some other switches should be added to these genes to make these able to function when transferred in higher organisms like plants.
- The isolated genes together with switches are transferred to the cells of organisms (for example crop plants) to be genetically transferred. Different molecular techniques have been developed to transfer genes.
- The transferred cells are then subjected to series of culture and selection to isolate the transferred cells. The transferred cells are then grown into mature plants to produce seeds with desirable traits.
4.2 Advantages from GM foods
4.2.1 Tool to fight against nutritional deficiency
of nutrients (vitamins and minerals) is one of the major nutritional problems
in developing nations. This issue can be addressed by producing crops with
higher vitamins or other nutrients content. For example, Plant geneticists have
been able to produce rice varieties with capacity to synthesize higher amount
of vitamin A by transferring bacterial gene into rice to fight against vitamin
A deficiency [31, 32, 33]. Similarly, different variety of
transgenic rice, corn and other vegetables with higher availability of
essential minerals like iron and zinc have been developed which are helpful to
fight against anaemia and other mineral deficiency [18, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39].
4.2.2 Increased food production for better food security
population of the world is increasing at an alarming rate while growth in food
production is not keeping pace with the population growth [4]. Deficiency of food will be more
severe in developing countries if current rate of population growth and food
production trends continues. GM food can be one of the weapons to fight against
the global food insecurity by the use of genetically modified crops with higher
yield rate in crops can be achieved from genetically modified crops in shorter
duration than that from conventional plant breeding approaches [3]. Moreover, breeding with genetic
engineering is more specific and prognostic thus require less resources and
effort in terms of time and money [3]. In addition, transgenic crops have
better productivity due to disease and pest resistance. Similarly, development
of draught resistance crops by genetic engineering helped to cultivate crops
during dry seasons and in area previously unsuitable for cultivation [40, 41, 42]. These developments in genetic engineering
obviously help to increase overall food production of the world thus helping to
fight against scarcity of food to feed growing world population.
4.2.3 Development of functional foods
engineering has been used to develop food which can be used as an oral
immunizing agent. To develop the foods with this peculiar characteristic,
particular gene controlling antigenic properties of the pathogenic
microorganisms was selected and transferred to the food crops which eventually
developed antigenicity and thus can be used to immunize the consumer against
further infection with that pathogen [43]. Scientists have developed a
transgenic variety of potato with such immunizing characteristics [44].
4.2.4 Decreasing allergic potential of food
Some of
the foods naturally contain proteins capable of producing allergic reaction in
the consumer. For example, rice has 14–16 kDa
allergenic proteins
which can evoke allergic reaction [45]. Although, GM foods were often
portrayed as the foods with potential risk of allerginicity, scientists have
developed rice variety with reduced expression of the
14–16 kDa allergen genes thus making the rice less risky to cause allergic
reaction [46, 47]. Similarly, genetic
engineering approach has been successfully used to remove Mal d1 allergen
from apple which can cause birch pollen related food allergies [48].
5 Safety of the GM foods
5.1 Are GM foods safe?
It has
been argued that there is little scientific evidence for the harmful effects of
GM foods [49]. Moreover, many international
scientific and public organizations like National
Academy of Sciences, the British Royal Society, the World Health Organization
(WHO) etc. have endorsed the safety of GM foods for both human health and the
environment [2]. GM foods go through very robust and thorough risk assessment
process for any allergens, toxins or other harmful effects before they go to
market. For example, in Australia and New Zealand a detail risk assessment of the
GM foods is carried out by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) before
they can be sent to the market [50].
In spite
of claim of scientists and endorsement of international public organization
about safety of genetically modified foods, the GM foods are not of zero risk [24]. Benefits of GM foods may outweigh
harms thus inspiring scientists to discover GM foods with new traits. Although
risk associated with the GM foods seems to be serious and urgent, they are
always rare and preventable if rigorous assessment and precaution is taken before
marketing [6, 24]. For example, a variety of
transgenic soybean was found to be contained allergen gene transferred from
Brazilian nut [51]. This transgenic soybean was,
therefore, not marketed [23, 51].
5.2 Assessment of the safety of GM foods
et al. [24] have suggested to evaluate the
safety of the GM foods in the same manner as the evaluation of drugs. The GM
foods are only allowed to be sold in the market when it has been assessed for
safety by responsible authority of the respective country [28]. Food safety assessment of the GM
foods is based on the best current scientific knowledge and carried out
individually in every new products fully considering both intended and
unintended effects of each new components (DNA and protein) of the GM foods [28].
alimentarius commission has published following guidelines and principles for
the assessment of the safety of the GM foods.
- Guidelines for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA plants [52].
- Guidelines for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals [53].
- Principles for the risk analysis of foods derived from modern biotechnology [54].
to these guidelines and principles, the GM foods should be assessed before
marketing for any hazard, nutritional or other safety
concern with the nature and severity of the hazard if present. Risk assessment
of the GM products should be based up on scientifically sound evidences,
information and data[54]. Safety assessment contains the comparison between the GM foods and
their non-GM counterparts [54]. Suitable risk management and risk communication procedures should
be implemented according to the outcome of risk assessment [54]. Unintended and unexpected should also be duly acknowledged during
assessment of the safety of the GM foods [52, 53].
Assessment of possible toxicity, assessment
of possible allergenicity, compositional analyses of key components, evaluation
of altered level of metabolites, potential effects of food processing, compositional
changes to key nutrients and health status of modified organism (plants and
animals) are some major steps for assessment of the safety of GM foods [52, 53].
6 Regulation of the GM foods
of GM products should be very judgemental because under-regulation may result
in the marketing of GM foods without adequate safety assessment and precautions
while over-regulation may delay or stop the progress in
genetic engineering sector thus preventing the farmers, entrepreneurs and
consumers to be benefited from the modern technologies [55].
6.1 Regulatory frameworks and Institutions
principles, frameworks and approaches for GM foods are dynamic and continuously
evolve with advancement in scientific knowledge and societal values [56]. Two types of legislative
frameworks, ‘process based’ and ‘product based’, have been used to regulate the
GM foods [56]. In the process based
legislations, which have been enforced in the European
Union (EU) and Australia, GM foods are regulated on the basis of process of
genetic transformation [56]. In contrast, GM foods are regulated on the basis of the
characteristics of the final product in the product based legislative
frameworks enforced in USA and Canada [56]. US regulations are claimed to be chiefly based upon scientific
risk assessment while European regulations are based upon precautionary
principle [14]. Codex alimentarius commission has published different guidelines
and principles mentioned above in 4.2 for international harmonization in this
In Australia,
GM foods are regulated through the Gene Technology Act 2000, the Gene
Technology Regulation 2001 and the Food Standards
Australia New Zealand Act 1991 [28, 50]. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is the statutory
organization responsible for safety evaluation and standard setting of GM foods
while the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) administer national
policy and issues related to gene technology [28, 50]. Similarly, in USA, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates
pre-market approval and labelling of GM foods under the Federal Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act [14]. In Europe, GM foods are regulated by the Novel Food Regulation
(EC) No. 258/97 adopted from 1997 [14]. This regulation describe the procedure for the approval of GM
foods and mandatory labelling provision [14]. Although European Union has given permission to import some GM
foods in Europe from 1992 to 1998 according to European Council Directives
90/219/EEC and 90/220/EEC, the Council of the European Union decided to
discontinue import of GM products since July 1999 [14] which was lifted in 2004
due to widespread international protest [57]. Very rigorous and stringent risk assessment procedure was then applied
to import GM foods in Europe [57].
6.2 Labelling of GM foods
is the means of communication enabling the consumers to make informed choice. Labelling
of GM foods is mandatory in Australia, New Zealand [28] and Europe while this is
voluntary in US [20]. In Australia, standard 1.5.2
(food produced using gene technology) has mandatory provision for the labelling
of the GM foods [28]. According to the standards any
product derived from containing novel DNA or protein or altered characteristics
should be labelled as ‘genetically modified’. But, highly processed foods or
products which are derived from GM crops (e.g. soybean oil from GM soybean) but do not contain any traces of DNA or
protein are not required to be labelled [28]. In Europe, food products
containing at least 1 per cent of GM corn or soybean should be labelled as GM
food [14]. Similarly, south American
country Argentina has no mandatory GMO levels requirement while another South
American country Brazil has mandatory regulation to label GM foods with letter
‘T’ for transgenic products [58].
The Codex Committee on Food Labelling
(CCFL) was involved in developing standard for the labelling of
biotechnology-derived foods [59] but no consensus can be made among different countries about the
labelling standards [60].
7 Final remarks
Thus, in spite of many
benefits from modern genetic engineering, great deal of public controversy
still exist about the use of GM foods in many countries of the world. In spite of some reported health and environmental impacts from these
foods, it has been claimed that the advantages of these innovations always outweighs the disadvantages. GM
foods could be used as a tool to fight against hunger and malnutrition in
developing countries. A person in a less developed country most probably choose
to eat GM food with approved safety and risk assessment rather than defeated by
hunger, while case may be opposite in developed countries where choices exist. Can
we stop using car to get rid of road accident? Should we stop using mobile
phones fearing harmful web frequencies? Thus,
it might be better to focus on ethical and prudent use of the product of modern
technologies and focus on making these safer and environment friendly rather
than going against with the technology guided by unknown and uncertain fears
but people have to have right to choose and country have to have sovereignty to
decide on these matter without any interference.
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