Major M echanisms that A nimals use to C ontrol B ody T emperature (Thermoregulatory Mechanisms in Animals) by Yadav Sharma Bajagai Major Impacts of climate change on animals are due to thermal stress resulting from increased ambient temperature. This article has been posted to illustrate how animals control their body temperature. This will help to find/design adaptation methods against climate change effects. The first line of defense animal use to maintain body temperature in unfavorable ambient temperature is behavioral response to manage heat loss or gain [ 1 ] . Seeking shelter in hot day or sun in cold day and altering body posture according to temperature to minimize or maximize relative body surface area to alter heat loss or gain are major behavioral response to maintain body temperature by cattle [ 1 ] . Animals can maintain its body temperature within narrow range irrespective of ambient temperature due to metabolic heat production [ 2 , 3 ] ...
Science communication for non-scientific audiences in food security (agriculture, animal science, veterinary science, food policy, food safety and related field), environment (climate change, sustainability, natural resource management and related field), sustainable development and system thinking.